If you're like me, occasionally you'll come across an idea that's so revolutionary you just stop and think to yourself, "Slug in a ditch! Why couldn't I have come up with that?! It makes so much sense!"
The last three ideas/inventions that made me do this were:
-The Steam Engine
-The Magic Bullet (it's a blender/glass, and it makes guacamole!!)
-A Dolphins Wearing Sunglasses Poster
They say hindsight is like the newsmagazine show 20/20: boring and for old people. And I think they're right. If you look at some of the most famous old people, like Einstein, Santa, or Dumbledore, it's pretty obvious that they're all smart kats (and have great hair LOL).
When I first saw the dolphins poster, I fell in love. For the first time in my life, I felt complete actualization, and to this day I'm not even sure what that means. Everyone loves dolphins, but us, as land-walkers, always worry about if they ever have any time for fun. I mean, they're so busy making soundwaves and avoiding killer tuna nets, do they ever get to kick back with the crew and just chillax? Well, this poster squashed that debate once and for all.
Dolphins do, in fact, kick ass.
But, this is clearly a post about hydration. And since dolphins live in water, this made for a perfectly logical segue to talk about the importance of drinking enough water.
I've heard tons of theories about how much water you should be drinking, and everyone seems to have a different opinion. In Tony Gonzalez's book The All-Pro Diet (Chiefs n Chopper ROFL), he provides an easy way to calculate your daily water requirement. Simply divide your total body weight by 2. So, if you weigh 130 pounds, you should drink at least 65 ounces of water a day.
"Hay Brad is it kewl if I just drink 12 Diet Cokes a day instead of all this water nonsense?"
I wish I had a great answer for this, but unfortunately, the study of nutrition is apparently absurdly hard, and what I've learned is that no one really understands how our bodies process individual nutrients. I could tell you that artificial sweeteners cause cancer but I really think there's nowhere near enough evidence to prove that. I might as well start making claims like "I invented the term Blogical Sciences." Hmm, I kinda like that actually. Suffice it to say, diet sodas do not provide the same benefits as straight up water. I'm not saying you have to give them up completely (as I think they're still better for you than regular sodas), but stop drinking so many of them. And understand that there is not a 1:1 health ratio benefit between diet soda and water.
So now let's talk about something that we do know. Without getting too complex, muscle is made of two things: water and protein. So if you want to build muscle, be healthy, and look good in your Target swimsuit, drink more water and eat more protein. Once I look up what a "protein" is, I'll probably have to do another post. This thing is like The Neverending Story sans awesome flying dragondogs.

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